BBS Flexibility Series for Cheerleading
Online Flexibility Transformation Program & Coaching Course
CheerConditioning.Academy offers a number of flexibility resources and workouts on our online platform. In 2020, we launched a brand new video series dedicated specifically to flexibility, mobility & stability using our home-grown BODY BEFORE SKILL™ Training Method.
BBS Long & Strong™ is a kinesiology-based flexibility transformation program you can follow along at home with videos, pdf guide and a 30-Day personalised challenge. By applying selected techniques from, gymnastics, ballet, yoga, cheerleading, pilates, martial arts and movement science, we work with your body and skills to develop flexibility and mobility for cheerleading - whether you're a base, backspot or a flyer.

WORKOUTS Membership | COACH Membership |
✔ Online Coach Certification | |
✔ Coach Poster Downloads | |
✔ Coach Support Group | |
✔ BONUS: INTENSITY Cheer Conditioning Series | ✔ INTENSITY Cheer Conditioning Series |
✔ BONUS: CCA Athlete Guide | ✔ Coach & Athlete Resources |
✔ BBS Foam Rolling Tutorials | ✔ BBS Foam Rolling Tutorials |
✔ BBS Flexibility Video Series | ✔ BBS Flexibility Video Series |
✔ BBS Long & Strong e-book | ✔ BBS Long & Strong e-book |
$79/year | $34/month |

1 - GET WARM: increase your body’s heat to release synovial fluid in your joints and fully wake up your neuromuscular system.
2 - GET STABLE: add stability to your movement to prevent injury while stretching and feel strong and confident in all your planes of movement.
3 - GET MOBILE: explore the movement of your joints and muscles, reach your maximum range of motion by adding strength and 3-dimensional movement.
4 - GET FLEXIBLE: Using controlled movement and relaxation techniques, we work with your muscles, joints and nervous system to develop your flexibility.
5 - GET STRONG: We add active muscle engagement to your stretches to make your flexibility last longer and help you hold the stretch poses with comfort.
BBS LONG & STRONG Flexibility Training is Great for:
BEGINNERS: learn to stretch correctly from the get-go! Our workouts are easy to follow along and with great music you will love. All exercises are adapted for different levels of flexibility.
CHEERLEADERS & DANCERS: If you're stuck on some flexibility skills or have poor stability, our #BodyBeforeSkill method will teach you advanced techniques based on sports science to push your skills to the next level and help prevent injury.
COACHES: Access our entire learning-base including articles, videos and our module certifications included in your membership. From essential fitness knowledge to poster download and tons of sports coaching toolkits, you have come to the right place!