5 WAYS TO REDUCE PERFORMANCE ANXIETYYou would think that for someone who makes a living of making and presenting videos, “performance anxiety” is not the first thing that...
POSITIVE MINDSET FOR CHEERLEADERSThere will be times where we want to quit and won’t think we’re good enough. Maybe it was a fall. Or a made mistake in a stunt sequence...
HOW ELITE CHEERLEADERS USE GRIT TO BECOME CHAMPIONSby Jeff Benson ARE YOU STRIVING FOR TALENT OR FOR GRIT? Would you rather be the athlete who barely has to practice; walks into the gym...
TOP CHEER CHOREOGRAPHY TRENDS OF 2018by Santwon McCray After an exciting couple weeks of the biggest and most spirited all-star competitions in the world (Worlds and Summit),...
10 REASONS CHEERLEADERS ARE AWESOMEYou find yourself reading this because you are a cheerleader - You already know you're awesome, you just want to be reminded. Or you're...
HOW CHEERLEADERS SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLYCheerleading changes your life. It makes you fitter, braver and more flexible but it’s only when you’re with friends who don’t cheer that...